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geeignet für MC2, MC3, MC4, MC5, MC6, MC7, MC8, MC9, MCA, MCB, MCE, MCF, MCH
geeignet für MC2, MC3, MC4, MC5, MC6, MC7, MC8, MC9, MCA, MCB, MCE, MCF, MCH
geeignet für MC2, MC3, MC4, MC5, MC6, MC7, MC8, MC9, MCA, MCB, MCE, MCF, MCH
geeignet für MC2, MC3, MC4, MC5, MC6, MC7, MC8, MC9, MCA, MCB, MCE, MCF, MCH
geeignet für MC2, MC3, MC4, MC5, MC6, MC7, MC8, MC9, MCA, MCB, MCE, MCF, MCH
Software für unsere digitalen Stromzähler mit S0-Schnittstelle/Software for our current meter with S0 interface: ZS2, ZS3, ZS4, ZS5, ZW1, ZW2, ZW3, ZW4
Aktuelle Software App für AB8N und AB9N
Laden Sie zunächst die aktuelle App hier herunter (Downloadlink am Ende des Textes) oder verwenden Sie den QR-Code / Please download the actual App first (Link below the description) or use the QR-Code:
[ ]
Ggf. müssen Sie für die Installation "unsichere Quellen" temporär zulassen
Die Lampe meldet sich mit …
WiFi Name: LED
Passwort: 12345678
Wählen Sie „LED“ um die Lampe per App zu programmieren.
Installation information:
You may temporarily allow "unsafe sources" for the installation
The initial parameters of the lamp are:
WiFi Name: LED
Password: 12345678
Choose “LED” to program the lamp via app.
ToupSky is one of the most famous camera control software for the Telescope Camera (TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4). It provides functions to fully control the camera and present the videostream processed by Ultra Fine color engine at high speed, which includes dedicated pipeline to process the raw data into a realistic scene. Besides, diversified useful tools are provided for specific purpose, such as basic image processing, image filtering and strong noisy image restoration so on.
Driver Windows10 for MC2, MC3, MC4, MC5, MC6, MC7, MC8, MC9, MCA, MCB, MCC, MCD, MCE, MCF ...